Laravel Error: The GET method is not supported for route login. Supported methods: POST.This is weird, you think, because the codes in your routes/web.php didn’t even mention ‘GET’:Nov 18, 2023Nov 18, 2023
Deploy Laravel Project on an Apache Server (UPDATED with subfolder compatibility)This tutorial assumes that you already know how to upload files and copy database to your production server. I’m using Laravel 10.Oct 20, 2023Oct 20, 2023
CSS Dot Leaders in Table of ContentDot leaders are a row of dots that connect chapter titles to their corresponding page numbers, commonly found in table of content and index…Sep 14, 2023Sep 14, 2023
Reception of AI Images in MalaysiaMore than a year after MidJourney went public Beta, are Malaysians accepting AI generated images yet?Sep 6, 20231Sep 6, 20231
If Your CSS Mask Image Doesn’t WorkTL;DR: The CSS image mask doesn’t work on local files, you can only see it over localhost, or a server.Aug 29, 20231Aug 29, 20231
If You Could Write HTML, You Could Make EbooksYou might have heard of the EPUB format. It is the standard e-book format for most of the e-book platforms (excluding Kindle and iBook).Aug 24, 2023Aug 24, 2023
Vanilla JS Equivalents to jQueryHaving used jQuery for more than half a decade, it’s not easy to migrate to other frameworks as the workflows are too different. The main…Aug 22, 2023Aug 22, 2023
Bootstrap 5: Perfect Gaps Between ButtonsLet’s say, you have a bunch of buttons that you would like to evenly space out. It looks fine when it’s only a single row:Mar 22, 2023Mar 22, 2023
CSS: A Simple Trick to Prevent Stretching of the Last Flexbox ElementSince the introduction of Flexbox in CSS, it has become so ubiquitous that you could find it in almost every website.Mar 17, 2023Mar 17, 2023